Post Jam Development

Now that the game has been submitted to the game jam, its time to start working on a release build. We have Ideas for more levels and character mechanics. Today I started working on cleaning up the code. I did not understand signals very well when I started the project as I had only used Godot for a week before the jam started. By the end of the project I was making better use of signals. I am now confident in how they work. That means neater code is possible for the character and first two levels. The 'inventory' was a hack job and its getting a full rewrite. There was also a lot of copy pasta code for objects that is now getting condensed into one code file. I have switched Godot to warn about untyped variables. According to the Godot documentation, typed variables are more performant as the compiler can optimize at compile time. 

The first new feature I plan to implement is remappable controls. Thor from Pirate Software has talked about how important that is for people with need of custom assistive controllers. We have gamepad support in the jam version and will continue to support them to allow as many people the opportunity to play the game.

I did not know about this dev blog feature of itch during the jam other wise I would have had progress posts throughout development. Since I know about it now, its as good of a time to start using it.

Till next time, 


P.S. If you find this and read this far I thought so might tell you a little secret. On the third level you will find a 'painting' of the correct room layout. Well in order to get that image Fox-Bytes setup a special camera for it. I needed to up the picture after I made changes and so I codded in the ability to use it during runtime. We thought it was kinda neat and left it in the game. To activate it just press 'backspace'. It hides the character but otherwise everything should work as normal. You could play the level invisible if you want to I suppose lol. Anyway have fun!

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